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Comics, Comedy and Cocktails

January 29 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

$25 – $40

Session 1: Jewish History of Comics: A detailed history of what it means to be Jewish on a comic book panel

Join us for an engaging evening of drinks, jokes and comics. Between giants of the comic book industry like Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, or Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, there are also Jewish characters like Ben Grimm and Magneto. How does a Jewish industry create and portray Jewish characters and superheroes? Join us as we explore the history of Jewish creators and their creations and finally answer the question: Are Spider-Man and Superman Jewish?

Featuring Sasha Kaplan, Comic Book Historian
Sasha Kaplan is a comic book historian, Jewish representation expert, and pop culture commentator. She holds a master’s degree in US History and educates people about Jewish history, Jewish people, and issues of Jewish portrayal in TV, film, and comics at various events, synagogues, and comic cons. Her work has been featured on the comic book website Comic-Watch and she has appeared on several podcasts to speak as a historian and Jewish representation analyst. A post-Soviet Jew with a strong knowledge of Jewish history and a robust Jewish identity, Sasha brings unique insights to her academic work, that are entertaining and informative. She is currently conducting research for her book which traces the history and portrayal of Jewish superheroes in Marvel comics.

Join us on February 19 for Session 2: The Adaptation Game: How Jewish identity is portrayed in Comic Book Adaptations

Fee: $25 for 1 session in advance; $35 at the door; $40 for the series (2 sessions)


January 29
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$25 – $40
Event Category:


Age Range
Early/mid-20s, Late 20s, 30s, 40s+, All Ages
Program Format
Discussion or Class


Pozez Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
8900 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, Virginia 22031 United States
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