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Fall Shabbat Clusters 1st Round Registration Deadline

September 8, 2024 @ 11:00 am

Join EntryPointDC’s popular Shabbat Clusters program this Fall! We had over 450+ community members join us last season and are excited to welcome everyone again this spring.
You will be put into a small, curated group of other young adults around your age and neighborhood for monthly Shabbat potlucks and other fun activities.
Groups are for singles and couples and we even sometimes put people together by interest such as LGBTQ, interfaith couples, outdoors, arts and more.
New interest groups this season include: graduate students, solo parents, new parents, and Jews of Color, Adas Israel, Washington Hebrew Congregation/2239, JWI, Honeymoon Israel and more.
Register and learn more here:
You can request to be put in a group with friends or a significant other and you do not need to attend every gathering.
We are also looking for coordinators for groups; We want to make groups smaller this season and are looking for most folks to coordinate.
Learn more and register for Shabbat Clusters at the ticket link!
Fall Clusters are open to those 21-45 and meet monthly from April until September.
Register by September 8th* rolling registration after this deadline until all groups are full!
Optional Kick-Off Happy Hour where you can meet some group members is Wednesday, September 11h at the EDCJCC in Dupont.


Edlavitch DCJCC


Age Range
Early/mid-20s, Late 20s, 30s
Jew-ish (not primary focus)
Program Format
Happy Hour / Social, Organized Activity