Hosting Passover Satellite Seders
April 1
Not making it home for Passover this year? Want to attend or host a small group seder? You won’t be alone thiNot making it home for Passover this year? Want to attend or host a small group seder? You won’t be alone this Passover! EntryPointDC is once again running our Satellite Seder program, where we’ll set you up with other 20/30/40-somethings looking for or hosting a seder on the first night of Passover, Saturday April 12.
Satellite Seders are for people who:
- Want to attend a seder at the home of a 20/30/40-something
- Want to host a seder
- Want to do a mitzvah and include a new face (or several) at their seder where they are already hosting other guests
Unsure about hosting? We can connect you with everything you need to host a seder including nourishment options (gift cards) to help provide ingredients and food items, suggestions about how to host a Passover potluck, and any Passover seder materials you may need. Plus, don’t miss the Passover Seder Boot Camp class on Wednesday, April 2, led by EDCJCC Jewish Life Director Rabbi Atara Cohen.
PLEASE REMEMBER: One person per registration form. Your friend/spouse/neighbor/cat/alien-from-outer-space must fill out their own form. If requesting to be placed with another person, that person must also request you. We will do our best to fulfill requests. Registration deadline is Tuesday, April 1.
If your situation changes, please let me know immediately so the groups are accurate. We will not be able to make changes after groups have been assigned. Note that seder start times will vary depending on host.
Satellite Seders have a $5 administrative fee for guests, as we personally match our groups based on age, location, and observance level. If this would prevent you from participating, or if you have any additional questions, please email Stacy Miller, Director of EntryPointDC, at smiller@edjcc.org.