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Tu BiShvat Seder and Potluck Vegetarian Dinner

February 12 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Temple Rodef Shalom Logo

In Ancient times, Tu BiShvat marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, hence it became known as the Birthday of the Trees. In the Middle Ages, the Kabbalists assigned the fruits of Israel symbolic meanings, creating Tu BiShvat seders. In modern times, Tu BiShvat has become an opportunity to reaffirm the Jewish commitment to cherish and protect our beautiful world.

Join our clergy and members of the TRS Sustainability Initiative and the Social Justice Committee’s Climate Action Corps for a Tu BiShvat Seder, followed by a festive vegetarian potluck. The event is geared toward adults, but kids are welcome to attend.


February 12
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Age Range
Early/mid-20s, Late 20s, 30s, 40s+, All Ages
Program Format
Dinner or Meal


Rodef Shalom
2100 Westmoreland St
Falls Curch, 22043 United States
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