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Jew Kids on the Block: A Newcomer’s Happy Hour

Metrobar DC 640 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC, United States

Whether you are new to DC, new to the Jewish community, or just want to make some new friends, join us for an evening of mingling.


Watermelon Punch Party

Moishe House Georgetown

Celebrate our one year anniversary with watermelon, sugar, chai! Come for the punch, stay for the vibes. Get ready for a refreshing extravaganza!

Breakfast for Dinner

It’s National Waffle Day, so we have no choice but to celebrate - come join us for a homecooked breakfast-for-dinner meal!

Pause and Play: A Musical Friday Night

Sixth & I 600 I St NW, Washington, DC, United States

This Shabbat experience is: Music-driven, laid-back, and soulful It’s led by: Musician Aaron Shneyer with Sarah Fredrick and Jeff Geld You can expect: A collaborative feel, and intentions that strike a chord It’s a good fit for: Those unafraid to sing like no one’s listening—and those who just like to listen

Clothing Exchange!

Moishe House Columbia Heights

Bringing back our old time favorite sustainability clothing exchange. Swing by our house for fresh local pastries, and we will go to Disco Loft clothing exchange together afterwards! Bring your well loved, but ready to give clothes with you!

Israeli Wine Tasting (& Networking happy hour)

Moishe House Columbia Heights

Join Ayana to sample a range of Israeli wines. Red, white, rose... you name it, we'll have it for you to try! Afterward, enjoy networking and snacks. This event is part of the 4HQ event series.

Succulents and Sangria

Come join us for a chill evening of choosing and taking care of your succulents while making and sipping on sangria! Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will also be provided! Please mark going on Facebook if you are attending so we know how many plants to purchase!

Fantasy football draft

You heard it right: we are starting our own Moishe House Bethesda Community Fantasy Football League. Whether you are already a NFL fan or just aspire to be one, and whether you have played fantasy football before or not, this league is for everyone. All will explained on draft night, so just show up ready …

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Discover: Structures of Prayer

To discover is to find knowledge and meaning that was previously unknown to us. In this class, we will uncover a deeper understanding of the structure of prayer, as well as the unique additions of the High Holy Day liturgy. This will include the origins of the High Holy Day prayer service, the service meaning, …

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Introduction to Judaism Course Application, 2023-24

Adas Israel 2850 Quebec St NW, Washington, DC, United States

Are you interested in exploring the Jewish tradition from the ground up, with master Jewish teachers? Have you been wondering about the core beliefs and practices that animate the Jewish religion? Are you looking to deepen your experience of God and prayer into the rhythm of your life? This course is designed to give you …

Introduction to Judaism Course Application, 2023-24 Read More »


Pre-Hashanah Early NYE Party

Abrahamic House DC and Moishe House Columbia Heights are celebrating New Year's Eve and the Jewish New Year a bit early. Decked out with streamers, balloons and noisemakers, this premature party will have traditional Rosh Hashanah foods like apples, honey, dates, and Austen's famous round honey challah. We'll also have a signature cocktail, sparklers, party …

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Chips and Dip

Whether it is salsa or guac, every chip needs a good dip! Come celebrate Labor Day with us by dipping some chips! We will have a variety of chips and dips for you to enjoy!

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