ConnectJew is in beta and under active development. Learn more here.

Our Platform Vision

Our vision is for ConnectJew to serve as platform to enhance Jewish involvement by reducing the barriers associated with finding community. We aggregate information from various sources and employ advanced analytics to match individuals with the right opportunities based on their interests, skills, and values. Our technology platform serves as a comprehensive database, offering details about each organization’s mission, activities, and community feedback. Our goals is to make it effortless for individuals to discover spaces that truly resonate with their interests, values, and religiousness.

Phase 1: The Backbone

“Building a scalable platform”

  • Aggregate program and organization data from various sources
  • Assign attributes to programs to enable filtering/sorting
  • Gather community feedback via on-site analytics, focus groups, and 1:1 conversations 

Phase 2: Personalization

“Add advanced analytics and outreach”

  • Provide tailored recommendations that help users find the right programs and organizations based on their profile
  • Personalized multi-modal outreach to promote the programs most relevant to each user
  • Tools to users build stronger relationships in the community

Phase 3: Collaborate & Expand

“Amplify impact through collaboration”

  • Enable anonymized data sharing to help organizations better understand community needs and the Jewish population
  • Collaborate to foster better age-in/age-out hand-offs
  • Expand geographic footprint beyond the young Jewish professional population and Greater Washington DC area

Help us build a stronger Jewish community:

Volunteer with us. Whether you have an interest in participating in a focus group or would like to be part of the team who builds this platform, we would love to have you as a part of our team. Please complete the form below and we’ll reach out to chat.

First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Areas of Interest(s)