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Paint Night!

Moishe House Georgetown

Join us as we welcome our newest Moishe House Georgetown resident, Elizabeth, and try to emulate her grandfather’s artistic abilities (check out his paintings in our house!). Let your imagination run wild as we paint the town, er, canvas!

Marco’s Goodbye Party

Moishe House Georgetown

We're inviting our entire community to celebrate the undisputed greatest MH Georgetown resident of all-time, Marco. Snacks and drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring gifts :) . Help us boost our attendee numbers before they inevitably fall off a cliff once Marco leaves.

Havdalah Bonfire

Moishe House Georgetown

Instead of our usual monthly Shabbat, we are keeping things fresh with our first ever Havdalah event! With a start time of 9:30, this will also be the latest event we've ever put on. Hopefully Shay won't fall asleep by the start of the event!

Ice Cream Party

Moishe House Georgetown

With summer heating up, come and cool off with a variety of ice cream flavors at our Annual MH Georgetown Ice Cream Party. It's undeniable that eating ice cream is a top-5 summer activity. If ice cream isn't your thing, come for the party instead!

Cheesecake ‘n Chill: Shavuot Brunch

Moishe House Georgetown

We're feeling a bit cheesy in preparation for Shavuot. Come melt in the sun with us as we enjoy our American summer. Make sure to get to the event swissly before all of the cheesecakes are eaten.

Sea Food Shabbat Dinner

Moishe House Georgetown

Join us for our traditional Shabbat dinner! (Note: OneTable says start time is 8 PM, but we will be starting at 8:30 PM) To celebrate Shay's absence from this Shabbat dinner, we invite all members of our community as well as new guests to enjoy a delicious dinner around the theme of the sea. Fshhh, …

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Yom Yerushalayim Mixer

Moishe House Georgetown

We're celebrating Jerusalem Day and the beginning of June with a party! Come drink and schmooze with us.

Independence Shabbat Dinner

Moishe House Georgetown

As we celebrate Israel's 76 years of independence, this month's shabbat at Moishe House Georgetown will be dedicated to all the variety that Israeli food has to offer. Everyone is welcome.

Yom Ha’atzmaut BBQ

Moishe House Georgetown

Join us in celebrating Israel’s 76th Independence Day. Come enjoy Israeli music, food, and much more!

Pre-Pesach BBQ: Burn Your Chametz and Eat it too!

Moishe House Georgetown

Feeling weighed down by all your Chametz? Lighten the mood by letting us burn it for you! In return, you’ll get a tasty BBQ treat. Like last year, we will be hosting a BBQ at Volta Park to get out of the house and allow us to make some yummy Kosher meat.

Pre-Pesach Pizza Pass’around

Moishe House Georgetown

Help us get rid of our last remaining Chametz before Passover begins. We will provide the dough and toppings, but you all need to provide the love and kneading. There's no price for a slice: you make it then you take it, that's our cOVENant. Hope that wasn't too cheesy

Greek Shabbat Dinner

Moishe House Georgetown

Join us for our traditional monthly Shabbat dinner. Come hungry 

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