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The Afro-Semitic Experience with JxJ

Edlavitch DCJCC

The Afro-Semitic Experience is an American roots jazz band with a difference.  Founded in 1998 by pianist Warren Byrd and bassist David Chevan, they have been performing, recording, and teaching together for over 25 years. Their friendship ignites their passion and purpose: Together, as a band, they merge their musical roots, Jewish and Afro-diasporic melodies and grooves, combining the …

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Seed Balls for Tu B’Shevat

Temple Beth Torah 4212-C Technology Court, Chantilly, VA, United States

Join us for a fun, hands-on event celebrating Tu B’Shevat by making seed balls with native seeds to benefit the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy! Celebrate the birthday of the trees with us by improving our local environment. This all-ages activity will teach participants how to create eco-friendly seed balls that can help restore local habitats and …

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Super Bowl Sunday and Game Night

Moishe House Columbia Heights

Join us at Moishe House Columbia Heights for a Super Bowl Watch Party and Game Night, where you can enjoy the big game with friends, snacks, and a lively atmosphere! Whether you're here for the football or the fun, we’ll have games, good company, and plenty of excitement all night long.

Tu B’Shvat Flower Arranging

Moishe House Georgetown

Celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the “New Year of the Trees!” Join us in decorating mason jars and filling them with beautiful botanic arrangements. Let your creativity soar, as the options are truly endless!

Tu B’Shevat Terrariums

PlantHouse Alexandria 921 North Saint Asaph Street, Alexandria, VA, United States

Let's get together and get ready to celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the holiday of the trees by making terrariums. Purchase a glass of wine or non alcoholic drink and we will bring fruit and nut themed snacks.  We will also gather the group to get dinner nearby after the event and will have materials you can …

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$27 – $43

Nights at the Round Table: Ending Homelessness

Capital Jewish Museum

Hear from expert panelists on the topic of homelessness in the DC area. Learn about the roots of the problem, misconceptions about people experiencing homelessness, and the path forward to eradicating this issue. Then, join the discussion and learn ways to take action and address the issue over dessert. Panelists include James Davis, Member of National Coalition for …

Nights at the Round Table: Ending Homelessness Read More »

$10 – $36

Tu BiShvat Seder and Potluck Vegetarian Dinner

Rodef Shalom 2100 Westmoreland St, Falls Curch, United States

In Ancient times, Tu BiShvat marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, hence it became known as the Birthday of the Trees. In the Middle Ages, the Kabbalists assigned the fruits of Israel symbolic meanings, creating Tu BiShvat seders. In modern times, Tu BiShvat has become an opportunity to reaffirm the Jewish commitment to cherish …

Tu BiShvat Seder and Potluck Vegetarian Dinner Read More »

Courage in Solitude: The lone soldier experience

Young Leadership D.C. invites you to an engaging conversation of The Lone Soldier Experience in Washington, D.C., Discover valuable insights, network with like-minded professionals, and be part of meaningful conversations, while enjoying a kosher wine. The event is intended for young professionals of the age 21-40. Questions?


Tu BShvat Sip & Swirl

Chabad Lubavitch of Northern Virginia 3939 Prince William Drive, Fairfax, VA, United States

A relaxing women’s night out of art, friendship and celebrating the Birthday of The Trees- Tu Bshvat!Create your own beautiful vase guided by an artist while enjoying delicious kosher wine and refreshments; and learn more about this fascinating but little known holiday!Looking forward to seeing you there.

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